Investigacion y Desarrollo en Ingenieria de Software

About the Group


Colciencias in its Telecommunication, Electronic and informatics Program (ETI) has defined software industry as one of the most important aspect of creativity and innovation in our country. In that way it is required enough people with neccesary skills to develop politics that could integrate development process among universities and companies. It is required to develop some strategies that promote collaboration of different actors in the software process development.

Based on these aspects, our research group is directed to search mechanisms that could generate a better software industry in a research environment influencing in a direct manner in the compeitiviness of our region and country.

Taking into account that colombian software industry involves different actors in the society: State, Universities, Companies, and conscious that it is neccesary the committment of these actors, our research group, enphasizes its efforts in the sharing of neccesary knowledge, in order to built a better society and so, contribute in a direct way trying to make a compettitive country in special way in the software development area.